Due to the war situation in Ukraine, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mukachevo set up a crisis group to assist the work of the Diocesan Caritas. Its aim is to help in every possible way the families, women and children in need who fled from the war regardless of their religion and nationalities. The situation is extremely serious and complex, we haven’t been in a crisis like this since the World War II. The happenings around us are incomprehensible, but at the same time, it is movingly impressive to see the countless manifestations of helpful intentions and goodwill.

How can you help? 

Financial support

This is currently the most effective form of support. The money transferred to the following Hungarian organizations is guaranteed to reach us. Due to the uncertain situation in Ukraine, please do not transfer to our own Ukrainian account.

→ Kárpátalja Hitéletéért Alapítvány (Data of the bank account here)

→ Kárpátaljai Családokért Egyesület (Data of the bank account here)

→ Kárpátaljai Ferences Misszió Alapítvány (Data of the bank account here)


In the comments box, please indicate:  "Segítség a háborús helyzetben" ("Help in the war situation")


Food and material donations

These are also much needed continuously and in the long run. Please, be sure to consult us before announcing a charity collection!


We are in a serious and protracted humanitarian crisis, so aid will be much needed for a long time to come. We try to respond to offers of help in as soon as we can.

Accommodation offers in Hungary should be sent to the contact numbers and emails created for this purpose of the Maltese Charity Service or the Catholic Caritas.

Questions, information and inquiries regarding financial and material donations should be sent to the following address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We ask everyone to pray for peace and for us. We believe that prayer is a real power, the only thing that can change the world.


We are grateful for your help, with the hope of peace:

Ferenc Fehér

St. Marton Caritas

Transcarpathian Charitable Foundation